My name is Blue McClellan. I was born and raised in the country north of Toronto. Since attending the University of Waterloo for math, I have worked in New York and Toronto, primarily in the financial industry. I am a polymath - sometimes referred to as a Renaissance man. I am a problem solver and efficiency geek. I can read code or build a computer; write poetry or paint; play the piano or lead a nature hike. I have experience writing user case studies and redesigning corporate processes. In my spare time I've built ecommerce sites. In both paid and volunteer roles I have managed teams. There are no challenges that I will not undertake. In my spare time, I enjoy playing and coaching ultimate, Scrabble, organizing events, and leading a farm-share in the country.
I am currently seeking opportunities to assist individuals and/or corporations to excel, overcome their challenges, and to be more efficient. My areas of expertise are best summarized below, but I invite you to review my full resume on this site.
I have no special talents. I am only passionately curious.
– Albert Einstein (Letter to Carl Seelig, 11 March 1952)
I am seeking either a full time or contract position with a forward thinking company. In spite of the many external projects and volunteer interests I have, I take a keen interest in the business world and especially the company I work for. I can be expected to constantly strive to improve your company and look for solutions to problems, above and beyond my assigned role.
Logic and analytical thinking led me to a career. Intelligence and determination led me to seek a career with you. I look forward to discussing job opportunities in your company.
Responsible for the selection, implementation and support of all internal business applications and their associated processes. The breadth of applications crossed all functional groups, ranging from Finance, Customer Support, Sales, Human Resources, Operations and Development.
Some major accomplishments include:
This role owned the responsibility for ensuring that PriceMetrix core monthly publication process was run efficiently and effectively. The process included; data loading, transformation, cleansing, and calculation, electronic and physical publication of proprietary analytics.
Some major accomplishments include:
The role oversaw more than twenty-five unique products including customer management, content management, web-to-press, call centre, direct mail, customer loyalty and technical integration programs. Combined they accounted for an annual revenue of six million dollars. During my tenure, I redesigned core development processes and the delivery model, advised upper management through meetings and presentations, determined whether projects were cost-beneficial and/or technically feasible and onboarded a new executive upon their entry into the company and continued to operate the Product Management department largely autonomously thereafter
Position Objective:to ensure the correct resources are matched to each project and to manage finances Major Accomplishment
Position Objective:to provide functional and managerial support for professional services team on site Major Accomplishment
The Ultimate Experience is an organization devoted to providing administrative and organizational support to the touring community. We aid and support a number of club-based touring teams who compete on a provincial, national and international level. We own and operate several ultimate tournaments. We provide support and consulting to other ultimate activities and organizations on an as needed basis.
The National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP), launched in 1974 and delivered in partnership with the government of Canada, provincial/territorial governments, and national/provincial/territorial sport organizations, gives coaches the confidence to succeed. Master Learning Facilitaors train and certify coaches for their sport.
A yearly event held in Fergus, Ontario which attracts 800+ participants from around the world for a weekend of camping, entertainment and a 40 team+ ultimate tournament.
The World Championship event for ultimate in the under-23 bracket. An expected attendance of 40 nations taking part in the competition.
The Toronto Ultimate Club is the leading not-for-profit corporation that provides the highest quality Ultimate experience to the greater Toronto community. Its growth is measured by member value and is driven by integrity, excellence, and citizenship.
To oversee and resolved disputes for all Regional qualifiers and the National competition in Canada as sanctioned by the national organization, Ultimate Canada.
The final event in the 2007 national club series, hosted in Toronto. Was the largest (80 teams) event of its kind to date.
Courses in Probability, Mathematical Logic, Programming Principles, Statistics, Graph Theory, Nonlinear Optimization, Calculus, Critical Thinking, Micro- and Macro- economics, Greek and Roman History, Medieval Society, Physics, Newtonian Mechanics, Linear Algebra and Business Organization.
Human Potential Plus training reinforces the success of other trainings your organization has completed. They teach people the value of getting along and achieving quality which is a catalyst for personal and professional development. They believe that when people get along and are willing to work together together toward a common goal, productivity soars.
I am a person who enjoys learning and new challenges. As a result, I have a very broad list of skills.
I do not believe in the phrase "references available upon request". I live my life, personally and professionally, under the belief that you should bear responsibility for both your successes and mistakes. I am proud to have had more of the former, and learned from the latter when they happened - after all, the heart experience comes not from your successes but from your mistakes. It is whether you are capable of learning or not that defines whether those mistakes are critical or not, and whether you will have success in the future.
I welcome any potential employer contacting any firm or client I've had in the past to review my professionalism and competency. I have provided a few references below for some of my more recent work.
Blue's vision and goal of unifying the Touring systems is instrumental in creating a competitive environment that will benefit the development of the sport..
Kurtis was a great manager, a great coordinator and was always able to improve efficiencies in any areas. Kurtis was very easy to work with, and could always be counted on to get the job done. I've worked with Kurtis in a few different roles, and in each of these he demonstrated a keen attitude and ablility to think outside of the box to achieve great results. I highly recommend Kurtis to any employer, he is multi-talented and has always followed through with great results.
Kurtis is one the brightest professionals, whom I had a pleasure to work with. His broad marketing vision combined with technical knowledge would make an exceptional contributor to any organization.
Kurtis is a talented product manager. He is very good at understanding customer requirements and translating them into well written documents. He also has an excellent grasp of proper web design and has good analytical skills.
The end of April 2011 was marked by two major changes for me. For quality of life reasons, with guidance from my naturopathic and medical doctors I needed to change my diet. It's a hard thing to go from a lover of fine food, to giving up fresh baked bread and butter! Though I had always eaten healthy, needing to completely overhaul my diet was a challenging thing when I started. Thankfully, it has paid off greatly! The second, and far more tragic of the two events, was the passing of my grandfather, who had long been a mentor to me growing up as he did next door on the family farm. At the age of 93, still working on the farm, he passed away watching playoff hockey in his armchair after a day chopping down trees in the bush. At the time, these issues combined and were resulting in a performance that was below my expectations of myself, both at work and in life.
Thus it was, that after over a decade of working, and with no financial obligations, I was in the unique and enviable position of being able to afford to take some time off of work to grieve, to heal, and to explore life. In keeping with my new diet, I decided to start a small gardening co-op on my grandfather's farm, which had remained in the family. Growing everything organically with a group of a dozen people has been a learning experience but has borne fruit - literally. My overall energy and health returned to levels I hadn't experienced in years. It was also a time of personal growth experiencing the ups and downs of the agricultural lifestyle my grandparents knew.
I also found time to travel. I competed in a World Beach Ultimate Championship in Italy, and touring through London, Paris and numerous sites in Northern Italy as well. Some of the time, such as a week living in Venice, was with friends, other time was touring alone. All of it was a great experience. Returning from overseas, my own parents took ill in the winter of 2011/2012, and both underwent surgery and recovery for tumours. Having the time off allowed me to be around to support them through this. I also took the opportunity to give back to the community and took on a number of both volunteer and pro-bono projects, applying my skills in business to assist in getting new businesses started and improved. I took on clients as a life coach, and helped people to realize and achieve their dreams.
Throughout all of this, I still maintained my connection to the ultimate community. Building an online web store for VC Ultimate, one of the major clothing manufacturers for the sport. Acting as the Chairman of the Board of Directors for the Toronto Ultimate Club, and working to improve their governance. I became certified under the National Coaching Certification Program as a Master Learning Facilitator, responsible for training community coaches throughout Ontario. I coached traveling competitive teams, captained local league teams, and even went and competed at the 2012 Canadian Ultimate Championships in Victoria. I recently stepped onto the Board of Directors of a new provincial sports organization, Ontario Ultimate.
Not quite ready to give up the joys of my own days, I taught myself to paint - pairing it with the passion for photography I had developed during my time off, and took a number of paid photography assignments. I also took the opportunity to marry two longtime friends out in Nova Scotia. However, while under no financial pressure to do so, heading into 2015, I can no longer put aside the urge to want to return to working full time. My time off has been full of wonderful new experiences and learning opportunities. Now, I want to take these experiences, ideas and renewed passion and apply it to companies and clients. I hope to be proactively engaged with either clients, or full-time work through 2015 while winding down my remaining volunteer committments to make room for additional professional certification.
Far and away the best prize that life offers is the chance to work hard at work worth doing.
– Theodore Roosevelt, (Speech in New York, September 7, 1903)
A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, design a building, conn a ship, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve an equation, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.
– Robert A. Heinlein (Time Enough for Love, 1973)
Every adversity, every failure, every heartache carries with it the seed on an equal or greater benefit.
– Napoleon Hill (Think and Grow Rich, 1937)
When I'm not hanging on the outside of buildings, I am a multi-talented employee. My managerial experience runs from the front-end of the process (Business Analysis, Requirements Gathering, Consulting, Marketing), through the middle (Project Management, Product Management, Resource Management), to the delivery (Production Management, Client Management, Event Management).
While at Marketrend organized many divergent applications into an integrated suite of products while maintaining and growing the existing client base to over 6 million dollars in revenue annually. The suite included Lead Management, Web To Press Marketing and Website Content Management applications.
Marketrend's production facility housed two HP Indigo 3050 digital presses capable of printing up to 16,000 letter-sized sheets per hour using fully digital processes that eliminated the need for set-ups and allowed Marketrend to create fully personalized print materials by pulling its clients' customer data from an integrated system.
The Marketrend Lead Management application was powered by the company's integrated automotive business intelligence engine, which allowed auto retailers to store, manage and work with customer and prospect data. The system also produced monthly ROI reports that dealership sales managers reviewed.
During my time with Siebel, I worked specialized in Siebel e-Finance vertical and facilitated Functional Requirements Gathering, Process Analysis, Data Analysis and Project Management for Corporate Banking division of a major investment banking firm in New York
Pricemetrix needed a implementation but lacked the resources to hire an administrator. This project, as well as the creation of a corporate intranet using Sharepoint, and configuration and administration of a time keeping system using Replicon were passed on to me in the new role of Knowledge Systems Manager. I happily ramped up to speed on all projects and launched them functional, on-time and well under budget compared to a hired consultant.
I was able to take on that role, after having eliminated my own position of Production Manager, having improved efficiencies in delivery of the core analytical product to clients, decreasing errors by 85%, increasing volume by 250%, while reducing resources by 50%.
I have run several major sporting events over the last 5 years. This involves all aspects of these major national and international events, including; permitting, security, accommodation, food, transportation, partnership attraction/fulfillment, media relations, health & safety, promotion and budgeting. The smallest of the events was for 600 guests, and the largest approximately 1600 guests with additional spectators over 2500 people.
In addition to these major sporting events, I have run and executed training sessions for community coaches, primarily educators themselves. I have also successfully run corporate training sessions for classes of 30 people on a wide variety of technical training topics that can be delivered in person, or on demand via the internet. Courses in public speaking, coaching, and human interaction support me in these endeavours.
I love special projects. In many companies I have worked, I often become the go to guy for unique one-off type projects. The sort where there is a problem, and ideas of how to solve it, but no tried and true method. I excel in charting uncharted waters. My varied skillset, broad array of work experience, and creative and passionate problem solving method lends itself well to these situations. In short, I am highly skilled at thinking outside the box.
I don't view this as the opportunity to write your own ticket however. I complete cost benefit analysis of technologies and solutions, capturing both technical and humanistic requirements and challenges to determine if change would increase productivity, profitability and/or morale prior to recommending a preferred solution.
A quick look at a couple of my website projects over the last 20 months.
Bytown Flatball Club is a competitive travelling sports team based out of Ottawa, Ontario. With a six year history, they approached me about the possibility of designing and launching a new website to promote their brand and attract sponsorship. Created to be visually appealing, and always up todate with dynamic fresh content by incorporating feeds from Twitter and Flickr.
VC Ultimate is an established brand, and one of the largest suppliers to club teams, leagues and events around the world. They had an existing marketing website and ordering system for their custom uniforms, but had not yet invested in an online storefront for their stock items. Building the store in under two weeks, and working on a commission basis, I created an online presence that proved their market and resulted in a new channel of revenue.
While in my last full-time position, I undertook the configuration and management of three different applications, two of which are cloud based.
The Sharepoint implementation was primarily used to create an internal corporate intranet, which contained feeds from the file system on the network, training videos, social activities, reporting, human resources forms, and ticket tracking. The Replicon system was used throughout the organization, and required multiple levels of signoff and reporting, for both full-time employees and part-time casual labourers. The implementation was leveraged by the customer service desk, sales team, internal IT department, and management.
PriceMetrix is a financial analytics firm which aggregates commission data for the financial retail brokerage industry and provides analysis to financial advisors and their management on how to improve their business. While they now have several products, their core deliverable remains these individualized financial advisor reports.
When I was hired at PriceMetrix, they had 8 clients and were delivering against a 10-day delivery timeline with a full-time staff of 3 and a part-time staff of 3. Each month, a number of errors could be anticipated along with at least a couple of clients going out late or on time only due to heroic late-night efforts. Over the course of 4 years, I worked to change processes resulting in the eventual automation and reduction of my department. In 2010, with 16 clients, a 4-day delivery timeline and a staff of 1 FTE plus 2 part-time resources, and a record of no errors for a 6-month period, I was transitioned into a new role at the company to take on new portfolios.
We had extensive reporting detailing every step of the process allowing us to identify bottle necks, and accurately report on progress with real numbers.
If you would be interested in contracting my services, I am almost always up for another interesting project, time permitting. Email is the best method to contact me, either using the email address to the right.
If your interest has been piqued, or if you simply prefer a more conventional resume, you can click below to download a copy of it.
© Copyright Blue McClellan